American english phraseology in modern learner’s dictionaries of English: another approach to dictionary criticism.


  • Vira Drabovska Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, м. Вінниця


It has been already widely accepted by linguists that modern language studies can not be considered full-fledged if they are devoid of a cultural approach to lingual phenomena analysis. Cultural linguistics as a relatively new philological branch primarily deals with live communication processes conditioned by a wide use of culture-specific vocabulary, which characterizes the world-view and mentality of nation representatives. Ideas of the anthropocentric paradigm in studying a language and its national-territorial variants are increasingly acquiring more actuality for the present-day development of cultural linguistics as a new humanities sphere. Besides nationally specific concepts as fragments of the world picture which in a certain culture acquire symbolic and reference value, figurative, mostly metaphorical meaning, its subject is also the paremiological and phraseological language stock.

Биография автора

Vira Drabovska, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, м. Вінниця

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри теорії і практики перекладу

Библиографические ссылки

Драбовська В.А. Лінгвокультурологічна концепція лексикографії США. автореф. дис. ... канд. філол. наук: 10.02.04 / Драбовська Віра Анатоліївна; Львівський націон. ун.-т. - Запоріжжя, 2016. - 20 с.

Cambridge Dictionary o f American English. Second Edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 1112 p.

Longman Dictionary o f American English. New edition. - Harlow, 2007. - 1078 p.

Longman Dictionary o f English Language and Culture. New Edition / Ed. by D. Summers. - Harlow, 2012. - 1628 p.

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. New Edition. - Oxford, 2011. - 1760 p.

Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. New edition / Ed. by Jonathan Crowther. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010. - 544 p.



